Job Placement

In addition to our training, we offer job placements through our network of employers. Whether you are job hunting or an employer looking for trained, qualified employees, we can help.

Job seekers – For those already possessing the necessary qualifications, LearningBiz provides references and introductions to employers. For those hoping to improve their skills and employability, we provide the necessary training prior to job placement to help you reach your goals. Certain individuals may qualify for State funded training which allows you to take courses at no cost.

Employers – Are you looking for prepared, trained employees? Graduates of our training programs can fulfill your needs. After completing our various programs, candidates will have the knowledge, skills and qualifications needed to sustain your company’s success. Certain companies and employees may also qualify for the On-The-Job training program in which 50% of wages will be reimbursed by the State for the duration of the training period.

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