Leadership Coaching



Our philosophy of developing effective leaders and managers is based upon the hierarchy of management skill development as well as the strategic goals of your organization.
Coaching is specific to the goals and the desired culture of your organization, as well as the level of management that will be trained.

Developing Leaders Systemically

Contemporary Human Capital development encourages organizations to consider five factors that enhance the development of an effective internal process.

1. Creating sustainable behavior change requires a developmental process, not a
single or even a series of training events; it needs to be a lifelong, learning

2. The process needs to be experiential, and integrated into day-to-day work to
support a lifelong, learning process; examples of experiential learning are:

a. Classroom training
b. Targeted, stretch assignments requiring reading, journaling, critical thinking
and effective written communication skills
c. On-the-job application of classroom training, utilizing learned skills in
effective presentations; communication; training delivery; leadership;
management; and coaching
d. Monitored, objective feedback
e. Coaching

3. Potential organizational constraints should be identified, considered and
resolved. Expecting participants in any development process to absorb their
learning within their existing workload, with little reward, incentive, recognition
or acknowledgement that adjustments may be necessary, often results in
lowered attention and prioritization.

4. Candidate selection is an important element in the development process. The
likelihood of a candidate successfully completing the initial development
process and adopting a lifelong, learning process is enhanced if the candidate:

a. Has the ability to recognize and understand his or her own behavior, which
is important to self awareness
b. Is able to make multiple and fine-rained distinctions and connections
between concepts; and to ask questions of himself or herself regarding his
own thoughts and concepts; e.g. What am I thinking? What am I feeling?
What is holding me back?
c. Has the discipline, conscientiousness and responsibility to undertake a
learning process
d. Has a strong desire to learn and for self-improvement
e. Has the self-esteem to be in management, and the ability to distinguish role
f. Is open to learning, self-discovery and change

5. Preparing the candidate for the learning and development process must also
be a part of the process. Initial classroom training should include:

a. Understanding that past successes may not translate to future success;
along with “resetting,” or letting go of past challenges
b. The importance and relevance of critical thinking and interpersonal behavior

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